Our annual Joint Club Dinner will be held on Thursday, September 16, 6:00 p.m. The following clubs will meet for an evening program that will include dinner: Millbrae, Pacifica, and Daly City/Colma. This meeting is in lieu of our regularly held lunch meeting. ---- TBD
The annual Interact Wlecome BBQ for South San Francisco High and El Camino High will be held at Organge Park ----
This is our annual BBQ picnic to celebrate the good work of the Interact clubs of South San Francisco. ----
Regular club meeting. ---- Jim McGuire Mr. McGuire is president of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. He will give an update on the business climate in our city.
This is a regularly held weekly meeting. ---- Laura Caddie Laura Caddie is Senior Vice President of Applied Frameworks and FirstRoot Investor.
Regularly held weekly meeting. ---- Barbara Wilson Barbara Wilson is president of the Rotary Club of Lake Chapala Sunrise, Mexico. She will provide an update on our Global Grant to provide a clean, dependable supply of water to the small town of Ojo de Agua.
Speaking to the club is Bill Zemke, Commissioner and Secretary of San Mateo County Harbor District. Please join us for this informative presentation. ---- Bill Zemke, Commissioner and Secretary of San Mateo County Harbor District
Weekly Meeting with two guest speakers. ---- Bill Zemke and Aravela Ramos Mr. Zemke is a member of the South San Francisco Historical Society. Ms. Ramos will update the club on the literacy project that our club funded in the Philippines.
Dark. On this day will remember and honor those who protect our nation. ----
Dark - No meeting this week. We will be joining Project Read for Dinner ----
This is our annual Rotary Foundation Dinner/Fundraiser. This year's event to raise money for our international foundation will be held as a hybrid meeting. If you attend online, your can support your foundation for only $25. ---- Brenda Cressey, Past Chair of the Rotary Foundation Brenda will provide updates on The Rotary Foundation.
Club treasurer Bruce Wright will provide the annual financial update on our Rotary Plaza Foundation. Please notify us for the Zoom link so you can attend. ---- Bruce Wright
Bill Tobin will speak on Shelter Box. ---- Bill Tobi Bill will speak on Rotary's Shelter Box Program.
Members will join in a service project. There will be no lunch meeting. ----
Steve Carlson, member of the Rotary Club of San Carlos, will give a presentation on his club's successful water project in Morocco. This meeting is Zoom only. ---- Steve Carlson, Past Present of the
Regular Meeting - Zoom Only ---- Ana Dominguez Ana is a member of the Rotary Club of San Ramon. Her topic will be her club's Bolivia Llojeta Water Project.
George Landau will be our guest speaker. He will be speaking on Childhood in a Siberian Labor Camp. Rotary of SSF is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Weekly Club Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86022361400?pwd=OCtJby9yYStxRENWVHZ1VEdKaitzdz09 Meeting ID: 860 2236 1400 Passcode: 4WayTest One tap […]
This week will be hearing from Richard Siegler CEO of Bulamu Healthcare! Richard Siegler has served as a social entrepreneur and helped to lead multiple organizations in East and West Africa since 2004. After college, from 2004 to 2007, Richard served in the U.S. Peace Corps in Benin. While in Benin, he raised funding and […]
John G Mathers, Past President 2017-2018 Rotary Club of San Francisco The second Oldest Rotary Club – Founded 1908 “Climate Crisis and Lifestyle Presentation Overview” ---- John G. Mathers “Climate Crisis and Lifestyle Presentation Overview”
EREY “Every Rotarian Every Year ---- Rotarian Carrie Chinn EREY “Every Rotarian Every Year"
Preparing for Climate Change/Crisis ---- Our Very Own- Don Bowcutt Preparing for Climate Change/Crisis
SSF Rotary Club: Weekly Meeting, November 17, 2022 SPCA ---- Anothy, SPCA President SPCA
No Meeting: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family & friends. ---- NA